G'Day and thanks for taking the time to have a look at my new blog. Yep, you guessed it, new blog, and new blog writer, so bear with me - I'm bound to make a few mistakes, and foul things up at least once or twice.
There are undoubtably a few things you'll want to know like;-
1. Who am I ?
2. What am I going to write about ?
3. Do I know what I'm talking/writing about
4. Will you possibly learn anything new
5. Is it worth coming back for another look?
7. Will I reply if you message me?
8. Can you link to my blog?
Will I stop waffling and get on with it? - O.K. Here goes
1. Who am I ?
I'm an old fart, retired, and possess ample quantities of the crankyness that cames with old age. Besides that I still write and from time to time have even been paid for it. Just recently I've been fortunate enough to sign a contract for my first novel. It's Sci Fi and has an 'End of Days' type theme, heavily influenced by my belief that mankind will go out with a whimper, not the bang that all of Hollywood dictates. To put it bluntly I think mankind, being the only species on earth that continues to crap in it's own nest, will end up choking quietly to death on it's own effluence.
2. What am I going to write about ?
Anything that amuses, creates a controversy, entertains or informs. Whether I know what I'm talking about or whether you think not.
I'm going to write, and write about writing. I might even post some of my work for you to tear strips off. Constructive criticism will be graciously received, flaming will not.
The Para Normal and things that go bump in the night. I'm a skeptic but still have an open mind. If the subject interests you and you're not to far out on the freak fringe you might find my thoughts interesting. Please don't message me if you are having sex with an alien, I've got troubles of my own.
The Environment. No I don't live next to a nuclear reactor, and no I wouldn't want to if I could. The best advice I 've ever had concerning things nuclear was in the armed forces. Nuclear survival 101. Quote; If subjected to nuclear fallout put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye. Unquote.
When I was a young man the population of this country was less than 11 million. Back then we could do all sorts of radical things like swim in unpolluted water, eat non gene modified foods and breath fresh air. Now we are hell bent on populating ourselves into oblivion with the tacit approval of our political drones. I could describe my opinion of our current crop of incumbents but I am mindful that this blog might be read by some with tender sensibilities so I will refrain. Am I a political activist?? HELL NO! I'm about as apolitic as it is possible to be. With a couple of individual exceptions I think that they should all go out and get a proper job.
3. Do I know what I'm talking/writing about
Most of the time yes. Some of the time definitely not. On writing, and on the environment, most of the time yes. On the paranormal you can make up your own mind, provided of course that you have one.
4. Will you possibly learn anything new
Perhaps, perhaps not. But you might have the occasional giggle while you are finding out.
5. Is it worth coming back for another look?
That's up to you but if you don't I hope the blue bird of happiness craps on all your birthday cakes.
7. Will I reply if you message me?
Always, if only to give you the finger for being a jerk.
8. Can you link to my blog?
You will be most welcome and I will reciprocate of course.
This is my first try at blogging so now I'm going to sit back for a few days and see if anyone bothers to comment. If you do message me I will throw open the door of my cold, windy, writers garret and shout your praise to the world. On the other hand if you tell me to go get a day job expect the Hounds of Hell in company with a cohort of Banshees, or at least a nasty reply.
My Next post will be on Thursday 30/12/10
1 comment:
An interesting start, Mr Grumpy! I look forward to reading more on your forthcoming novel, since I fear the same fate.
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